

Morning~各位早上好,这里是Echo陪你练口语,我是森仪。今天的推送呢有一位特殊的客人Jee Soo.

Jee Soo: Hi everyone. I'm Jee Soo from Korea and I'm a friend of Senyi.

今天的话题可以说是在看到Jee Soo小姐姐之后立马想到的。Jee Soo非常的可爱开朗而且长得非常好看,所以在见到她之后我就想到做一次关于makeup的推送啦。

There're many makeup tutorials online. In fact, if you type in "makeup" on YouTube, the first search suggestion that pops out is 'makeup tutorial Korea'. Do you have any idea why Korean makeup is so popular around the world?

J: I think Korean makeup is all about looking natural and young and cute, rather than looking all mature and sexy. So I think that's why a lot of people like Korean makeup, the people who like to look younger and cute. I think those kind of people would search for Korean make up tutorials online. And Korean makeup products are really famous right?

S: Yeah we've heard about INNISFREE, CLIO…

J: So the makeup products might have an impact I guess.


这个词做“影响”时可以是名词或者动词,介词均为on, upon

E.g. The reopening of the line would have a huge impact on the area's "psychologically".

S: And they're affordable. So when did you start dealing with cosmetics?

J: I always wear sunscreen since I was in middle school. And like this full-on makeup with all the brows, eye makeup and lip color, it was from 20, after college.

S: Oh I thought Korean girls might start early.

J: Yeah a lot of Korean students start putting on makeup when they're really young like in middle school. And for some, even elementary school. But I was in lag of that. I was too lazy to put on makeup in the morning. So I started wearing makeup after college.

In lag of

一般好像说in the lag of比较多一点,是滞后于……的意思。

S: So when you started wearing makeups, did you follow any channels like Pony's makeup channel to learn?

J: Yeah. Before I started to put on makeup, I followed quite a number of beauty gurus on YouTube. Some were Americans, some were Koreans, some were Japanese, like a lot of people around the world I've been watching them before I started wearing makeup. I used to when I was in Korea, but after i got here, i don’t really have that much time.

S: It has just become a daily routine for you.

J: But it’s not that I follow the exact routine of beauty gurus when I watch their tutorials online. I just like to watch the process of somebody to be prettier.

S: Tell us about your makeup routine everyday.

J: In the morning I wake up. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, wash my face and then I come out and sit in front of my desk. I keep all my makeup products on my desk. So first I apply toner(化妆水)with cotton pads to soothe my skin and all and prepare for all the moisture to come. Then I put on serum(精华), which is very liquid. And then after my skin absorbs it all, I put on moisturizer(面霜), which is not as liquid as serum. Then I put on sunscreen(防晒霜) which is really important. You have to protect your skin from the UV rays. I sometimes put on primer(妆前乳), I sometimes don’t. If I have a lot of time, i do. And then I either apply foundation(粉底液) or a cushion foundation(气垫). Do you know what a cushion foundation is?

这里提醒大家注意一下sooth和soothe的意思差很多哦,前者是真实,后者是舒缓。Don’t get it wrong~

S: yes i know. I never use that though.

J: Really? You should try. It’s really convenient cuz you have to just like pop that on. And that I have never used a foundation brush. I’m always using a sponge. I use that for everything. I use the sponge to apply on my foundation or cushion foundation and then I apply powder(散粉) with the same sponge. And then I like to contour(阴影) and highlight(高光), with that same sponge again. And then I fill in my eyebrows. Another really important thing as sunscreen is eye primer. You know some Asians have double eyelids and some don’t, right? I have those so if I don’t put on eye primer before I put on my eyeshadow(眼影), it tends to crease a lot. So I never skip eye primer. So eye primer, eye shadow, eyeliner(眼线), mascara(睫毛膏). That’s it for my eye makeup. And then I put on lip color.

S: so as you said, the only tool you use is a sponge?

J: Yeah, and to do my eye makeup, I do use a couple of eye brushes. I use MISSHA, APIEU, ETUDE HOUSE. Most of my eyeshadows are from ETUDE HOUSE.

S: Yeah they have those palettes with a lot of colors.

J: My mascara is from PERI PERA. It is kind of like...... CLIO and PERI PERA are like MISSHA and APIEU, basically the same company with different names.

A&B are like C&D

类比说明,A和B的关系与C和D的关系一样,也可以这样表达 ink to pen is like gas to car

S: What is your advice for makeup starters when they choose their products? The more expensive the better or?

J: No I don’t think so. Especially for starters, beginners, I don’t think the more expensive the better is true. Cuz you have to try a lot of different things, different texture, different colors, to see what is right for you right? So i think for beginners, it’s better to buy a lot of affordable stuff until you figure out you own style and then you can build up on your collection on luxuries.

S: so apart from makeup, skin care is also very important to keep our beauty. So ummm....

J: So I think I use sheet masks every once in a while since I’m here.

Halloween is coming!

J: So it was really fun to have this interview with Senyi and I hope to talk to her again like some time later.

S: Yeah sure!

J: 再见!

S: See you~ Have a nice day:)

PS:这次的推送是和Jee Soo以聊天形式录制的,因为时间剪辑了不少,也希望大家不要介意有些剪辑过渡不够好~(好像我的口水话都是yeah真是得改改了hhh)


美化编辑 | 小泳

封面图片 | 黍离

审核校对 | 张津



